Money Saving Tips from your Swimming Pool Contractor
Money Saving Tips for Your Swimming Pool Over the years, I’ve come across some interesting money saving tips for your pool while working with swimming pool owners. These tips will help you cut back spending while actively trying to maintain a healthy, stress-free lifestyle, enjoying your pool. Store Your Vacuum Head Correctly The number one reason pool owners replace their vacuum head is because the brushes on the bottom of it have either flattened out or completely fallen off. Store your vacuum head upside down and out of the sun. Over the winter, be sure you keep it away from any chlorine. If you do this, you will double the life of your vacuum head, which can be expensive to replace. Use A Solar Cover With Your Pool Heater Solar pool covers capture the energy of the sun and transfer it directly into your pool water to keep it warm. Depending on where you live, a solar pool cover may not keep the water as warm as an electric or gas heater, but the tradeoff is that it can ac...