If you’re thinking of putting in wood floors, you can’t go wrong. All types of hardwood floors have unmatched natural beauty and go with any decor — modern, traditional, country, you name it. Sacramento hardwood flooring goes in any room, although kitchens and basements warrant special considerations. The average return on investment (ROI) for installing hardwood floors in one's home ranges between 70–80 percent, potentially adding up to 2.5 percent to the sale price. Hardwood floors will increase the market value of your home quite a bit ... Invest in hardwood flooring now, and reap the benefits for decades to come. Unfinished or Finished? Unfinished hardwood flooring is a good option if you want a custom stain applied before the final finish, or if you want to match the color of existing flooring. After hardwood flooring installation and staining, the flooring is given several coats of protective finish. If you’re thinking of adding hardwood flooring in your kitchen, unf...